Sunday, October 16, 2005

Here comes the sun?

Yesterday something unusual happened: after seven rainy days, the sun finally came out. It was amazing, if only for a few hours, to see the sky and the color of the leaves (still) on the trees.

The rain has been hard and persistent, and we can hear the hard rushing water of the Connecticut River, just a couple hundred yards away. The marinas up and down the river have been wrecked, turning into collection points for debris that has floated downstream, and several boats were set loose and went over the Holyoke Dam. We have, thankfully, experienced nothing as bad as people in northern New England.

Today is another cloudy, rainy day.


At 9:10 PM, Blogger Matt Christie said...

You know, it's been brutal. The other day I ventured into significant other's basement to find three feet of freezing cold water. It was several days of drying out all the papers and journals, using paper towels in between each peeling page, hanging stuff everywhere and eventually even using the stove. Still, nothing compared to what's happened elsewhere, I suppose.

I hope you keep blogging, you know, but in any case best of luck.

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Nathanael said...


Do you live in Northern New England? Well, I hope things dry out. Several years ago I lost a bunch of books in my basement to flooding.

At 6:15 PM, Blogger Matt Christie said...

southern VT, where winter comes too soon.


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