Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Nazis and their Friends

This by-line was not entirely surprising:
Die CIA und deutsche Geheimdienste ließen den NS-Kriegsverbrecher Adolf Eichmann offenbar unbehelligt in Argentinien leben, obwohl sie seinen Aufenthaltsort kannten. Das belegen nun veröffentlichte US-Dokumente. Die Geheimdienste verschonten den Kriegsverbrecher, weil er über brisante Informationen über antikommunistische Aktivitäten in Westdeutschland verfügte.

[The CIA and the German Secret Service let Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichman live unmolested in Argentina, even though they knew of his whereabouts. Newly published American documents supply evidence for this. The Secret Service spared the war criminal, because he posessed volatile information over anti-communist activities in West Germany.]
The article in the Rheinische Post asserts also that Eichmann was left untouched because he could expose the German state secrataries involvement in shaping the Nuremberg Laws.

French complicity in Nazi crimes was on trial, as well. A French court ordered the government and the SNCF (French rail company) to compensate Alain Lipietz for their role in transfering his father into the hands of the Nazis for deporation and extermination. According to the judgement:
L'administration française ne pouvait manifestement ignorer que leur transfert (...) a facilité une opération qui devait normalement être le prélude à la déportation des personnes concernées ...

[The French administration could not obviously ignore that their transfer ... facilitated an operation that normally was the prelude to deporation ...]


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